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Handbag design and production course

Right in the centre of historic Florence, inside his artisan workshop, the master Livio will help you to learn all the different stages of the production of a handbag. By means of a practical seminar lasting 3 hours each morning, he’ll explain how to design, choose the leather for, cut and sew a handbag. Optional Italian language course or lessons with interpreter present.


  • Lessons in the workshop every day from Monday to Friday from 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
  • Groups of 1-4 participants
  • Design and development of the model
  • Getting to know the leather.
  • Folding and cutting.
  • Assembling the bag.
  • Estimating the sales price.



Picture by Kee-Ho Casati

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  Terra di Toscana

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