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Towns of the area

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Inhabitants in 1991: 2.782

The Scarlino municipality extends for 88,38 square kilometres in a coastal hilly zone of the north western Maremma. Formed in modern times, together with Buriano (present day district of Castiglione della Pescaia) and the territory of Follonica, a community in the Principality of Piombino. In 1833 its territory was aggregated to the community of Gavorrano. From 1960 it again formed an autonomous municipality.

The first historic mention of the locality figures in a document from 973 with which the Marquis Lamberto, son of Ildebrando degli Aldobrandeschi, transferred among other things the court of Scarlino. At the beginning of the XII century other documents attest that Scarlino had become an important castle, assuming a complex institutional position ceded in part by the Countess Matilde di Toscan to a noble Ranieri, it was, because of this donated in 1108, by testamentary act, to the Bishop of Roselle. In 1162 it had already gravitated into the political orbit of Pisa, but by a privilege of Emperor Federico I it appears that two years later, in 1164, the Counts Alberti di Mangona acquired the rights over the castle, and between 1209 and 1231 the name of Scarlino recurred several times in the events of succession and patrimonial division of this family of Counts. In 1233 it was acquired, together with other castles in the area, by the Aldobrandeschi. In the middle of the century Scarllino became involved in the contrasts between Guglielmo Aldobrandeschi and the municipality of Siena, until in 1278 it was sold by the son of Guglielmo Ildebrandino, called the Red, to Pisa. It remained under the dominion of Pisa (even though the Santa Fiora branch of the Aldobrandeschi continued to claim rights) until the constitution of the Piombino Lordship of the Appiani. The little coastal state followed the subsequent fate: Principality institution in 1594, passed to Ludovisi in 1634, to the Buoncompagni in 1706,.and lastly to the sister of Napeleon Elisa Baciocchi. In 1815 with the Vienna Congress, it was incorporated in the Grand Duchy of Toscana. The Grand Duke Leopoldo II di Lorena put into action, in 1830, the land claim work drain off the “marshes” of Scarlino and in 1841 Salvagnoli Marchetti, medical inspector of the province of Grosseto, was able to write: “...diminished the lakes of Scarlino and Piombino, the greatest and most noxious centre of infection....” During the resistance the partisan formation “gruppo Tirli” operated in the area, which on 19 July 1944 occupied the town.

Places to visit:
Palazzo Comunale, a 1200 establishment, it is overlooked by a 1600 tower.
The Fortress, of which remain imposing ruins, together with the wall which is also partially conserved.

Historical info reproduced upon authorization of Regione Toscana - Dipartimento della Presidenza E Affari Legislativi e Giuridici
Translated by Ann Mountford

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