Terra di Toscana www.terraditoscana.com

Anatra arrosto

(Roasted duck)

Take a very young duck, clean it, burn it a little bit, wash it and then dry it.
Salt and pepper the duck internally and externally. Put in its belly a lock of sage and a knob of butter. Put the duck in a pan with some oil and roast it very slowly in an oven with moderate temperature. When the gilded skin will start to come off from the duck, this one will be well cooked.

This was a traditional course for the celebration of San Lorenzo, patron saint of Borgo San Lorenzo and for the celebration of Santa Maria in Scarperia. Young ducks were cooked during these celebration which take place in August.
The best ducks to cook were the ones which used to splash in ditches for the whole day.

Text Tebaldo Lorini
Translated by Gianna Toni

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